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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rest in peace Black Copper Marans

Well its happened again , dogs got out and had the time of their lives. Lost almost my entire flock of Marans last weekend. The dogs were kind enough to leave me one lone cockeral and five eggs so all hope is not lost. I put the eggs in the incubator a few days ago so hopefully will get at least a pullet out of the batch. Can't describe how sickening it is to find a sea of dead bodies completely gone to waste! The dogs just kill for the pure fun of it and dont even take a bite of meat! Three years of selective breeding gone in a 30 minute bloodbath! Oh well, life goes on so keep your fingers crossed with me and hope for the best.....


  1. This is so sad, I am so sorry. I pray all your eggs give you a healthy pullet. Keep us updated!

  2. Thanks, have about two weeks to go on the eggs......
